Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation, 4th Ed Book – A Quick Reference Guide and Review
Number one study guide for the CHT® test. This one-of-a-kind paperback book reference provides a comprehensive overview of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation. Rated as a top book to have when preparing for the CHT exam by the HTCC exam prep survey.
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Over 750 illustrations with over 200 new for the 4th edition and 5 new appendices. Each chapter is updated with a series of multiple-choice questions, complete with detailed answers and references to other hand therapy resources.
This one-of-a-kind paperback book reference provides a comprehensive overview of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation. Featuring a unique quest on and detailed-answer format, Hand & Upper Extremity Rehabilitation: A Quick Reference Guide (4th ed) guides the reader from basic information about hand & upper extremity anatomy through complex topics including the most advanced treatment techniques. Over 750 illustrations with over 200 new for the 4th edition and 5 new appendices.
Each chapter is updated with a series of multiple-choice questions, complete with detailed answers and references to other hand therapy resources. Appendixes include a FREE online practice exam, updated and detailed anatomy labeling, tendon transfers, orthotics, critical concepts, holistic care, lymphatic care, and wonderful vendor resource. Clinical gems are throughout the book providing the reader with helpful hints and important facts to remember related to certain subjects or questions.
New to this Edition
- Over 750 photos- 200 new to this edition!
- Each chapter has been updated, refreshed and has additional questions!
- This book boasts new appendices like you have never seen in any other reference!
- Tendon Transfers
- Complementary Medicine
- Common Orthosis tips for fabrication, patterns, with photos
- Critical Concepts
- Lymphatic Labeling
- Free online practice exam ($129 dollar value) will be able to access when you receive your book
- Every chapter has new questions and has been updated and enhanced
- Packed with NEW clinical gems to enhance your understanding of difficult topics
- Almost 100 new fabulous pages!
- A convenient Quick Reference Guide (index) is located at the beginning of the book.and has doubled in size
- Vendor list in print and available in digital format so you have quick access to your favorite vendors
- This is a product you don’t want to miss and you will feel confident in your knowledge after reviewing this material
- Clinical Anatomy
- Evaluation
- Neuroanatomy/Nerve Injury/Sensory Reeducation
- Physical Agent Modalities
- Assorted Treatment Techniques
- Orthotics: Design/Fabrication/Training
- Edema/Lymphedema/Vascular Disorders
- Wounds/Infection/Grafts/Burns
- Fractures/Dislocations/Subluxations
- Musculoskeletal injuries
- Arthritis and Related Disorders
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Tendon Injuries and Conditions
- Complex Traumatic Hand/Tendon Transfers
- Cumulative Trauma
- Tumors/Cysts/Dupuytrens
- Congenital Anomalies/Amputations/Prosthetics
- Sports Injuries
- Wrist
- Elbow
- Shoulder
- Spinal Cord Injury/Central Nervous System/Brachial Plexus
- Ergonomics and Work Programs
- Psychosocial Aspects of Impairment
- Professional Practice Management
- 8 Fabulous Appendices
Also Included
Hand Enthusiasts Vendor and Website List
Complementary Health Approaches
Anatomy Labeling Worksheets – LOTS of NEW ONES!
Lymphatic Labeling
Common Orthosis, Tips, Patterns with Photos
Tendon Transfers – With Drawings
Critical Concepts to Remember
FREE 200 question online practice exam ($129 dollar value)
Robin Brunton –
The ‘purple book’ was most helpful for me when I was studying for the CHT exam. I work with 4 other OT’s and we meet monthly and go through a chapter in the book as an inservice time. It is a very practical resource!
–Robin B.
shannon dukes OTR/L –
Great book with lots of good information on the upper extremity. The discussions after each question allow you to review concepts and to use it as a reference for treating patients. The CD-ROM is a nice bonus tool for self-review.
Anonymous –
I used the 1st purple book more than this one at this time. I’m using the computer module (Basics & Beyond) right now. Keep up the good work in helping us study for the exam!
amyjhill,otr/l –
I thought the course was great!!!Very informative, and full of information
S. Brian Bennett –
I am glad that I got this book. It has helped me focus my studing. There is way to much stuff to study out there and I did not know where to start. This book is where to start. Thanks