Practice Exam (1)
Updated! New: each question has explanation & reference.
No CEUs are awarded with this product. Our practice exams are mentioned multiple times in the HTCC Exam Preparation Survey as a TOP study tool when preparing for the CHT exam. Practice your Hand Exam test taking skills with our Online Exam. Once you purchase, you will receive an email with your login and password. You can take the test up to THREE times at no additional charge.
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Comprehensive CHT Exam Preparation Tool
Prepare for your Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) exam with our industry-leading practice tests. Rated as a top study tool by HTCC Exam Preparation Survey respondents and certified hand therapists.
Key Features of Our CHT Practice Exams:
- 200 diverse hand therapy questionscovering essential topics
- NEW: Detailed explanations and references for each question
- 3 free retakes within 6 months of purchase
- No CEUs awarded – focused purely on exam preparation
Why Choose Our CHT Practice Exams?
- HTCC-Recommended: Mentioned multiple times in the HTCC Exam Preparation Survey
- Comprehensive Coverage: Wide variety of upper extremity and hand therapy topics
- Flexible Learning: Take the exam up to 3 times at no extra cost
- Extended Access: Available for 6 months from purchase date
- Updated Content: Each question includes answer, explanation, and current reference
- Exam-Like Experience: Simulate real CHT exam conditions
How It Works:
- Purchase the practice exam
- Access our secure exam center
- Complete the 200-question test
- Review your results and study areas for improvement
Important Notes:
- Single-user access only
- Sharing login details will result in account termination
- Not the same questions as the Basics and Beyond examination
- Challenge and improve your test-taking skills
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in hand therapy knowledge
- Build confidence for the actual CHT exam
- Familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types
Invest in your CHT certification success today with our top-rated practice exams. Join thousands of successful CHTs who have used our tools to prepare effectively and efficiently.
Start your CHT exam preparation now!
Juliette Matis –
The Certified Hand Therapy exam is comprised primarily of clinical reasoning questions. According to the Hand Therapy Certification Commission, the exam content “reflects current practices of the domains of hand therapy including relevant tasks and knowledge areas that have been identified as essential to the practice of hand therapy.” In studying for the CHT exam I used several resources that were listed on the HTCC website. Out of all the CHT educational materials available, the one that helped me the most and ultimately assisted in giving me the clinical reasoning skills and training required to pass the CHT test is the “The Upper Extremity Rehabilitation, 3rd edition, (The Purple Book). The PB is up-to-date with current relevant information, excellent illustrations and photographs with comprehensive and easy to understand content in a question/answer format. As an adjunct to the purple book, the Basics and Beyond online programs are excellent tools to not only sharpen your CHT knowledge base but will help give you the competitive edge in the critical reasoning skills imperative in passing the exam. Practice tests are an important component of the CHT preparatory process. With the complexity and degree of difficulty of the CHT exam, practice tests will help the CHT candidate appreciate and understand the importance of developing vital skills with the ability to solve complex upper extremity problems, finding the optimum solution under a definitive time limit. I highly recommend, the 6th edition test on the Exploring Hand Therapy website. This particular test is the only one on the market today that closely aligns with the format of the CHT exam. Lastly, I would take advantage of other upper extremity programs offered through this website such as the free content segments, cadaver series, Treatment2go tips and Hot Stuff section with innovative products and courses to keep the CHT candidate and current CHTs abreast of the latest information and techniques for better performance in the field of upper extremity rehabilitation.
All the best,
Juliette Matis
Stephanie Wu –
. I used both the purple book as well as three practice exams. They were my best means of studying the material and they challenged my knowledge as well as directed me to areas that I needed to improve in my understanding. I am positive that your study materials were essential and invaluable to my level of preparedness on exam day.
Thank you so much for setting me up for success, I am eternally grateful,
Stephanie Wu
Steven Rodgers –
I purchased the set of 3 practice exams and I can definitely say that these helped me to identify my weaker areas of study for the test. I would definitely recommend purchasing more than one of the practice exams for variation of questioning for anyone who is preparing for the CHT certification test. I recently passed the exam in May of 2017 and know that these practice helped me study in a more organized fashion.
Steven Rodgers, OTR/L, CHT