Sneak 2 Peeks: Choose 2 ONLINE Movie courses only $99.99

Sneak 2 Peeks: Choose 2 ONLINE Movie courses only $99.99

We want you to get a chance to view the most comprehensive online movie classes. You will not be sorry you did. Sneak a Peak is a low cost option to obtain CE and learn from experts in the field. For $99.99 you can earn up to 13 AOTA approved credit hours! YES up to 13 with some combinations. This promotion can only be found by searching the site – this is a hidden link only issued to subscribers only.

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Hand Therapy Certification

This course is accepted by the Hand Therapy Certification Commission towards re-certification.




  • Certain combinations up to 13 AOTA approved hours (Under 5 per credit hour)
  • AOTA Approved CE
  • Kick back, relax, and learn at your leisure
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    Lateral Epicondylitis: The Therapists Approach to Conquering Pain:

  1. Anonymous

    Good conference. I look forward to more.

  2. Danielle Rose LOTR/.CLT

    I did learn several new tricks to add to my bag as well as other clinical reasoning skills to enhance my decision making.

  3. larry rush

    . Very good information on Rx program for epicondylitis. I was able to implement the ideas in the course immediately and had very good response.

  4. Lance Vestal

    Good review. Nice hands on demonstration of treatment techniques. Vendor information very appreciated.

  5. Dupuytrens Disease: Advances and Updates in Treatment:

  6. Anonymous

    I found the course very useful. I would definately utilize your organization again and recommend it to coworkers.

  7. Anonymous

    awesome course! Thanks so much.

  8. Joint Mobilization of the Upper Extremity:

  9. Elsa Escobedo OTR

    It was very well organized and helpful. I will continue to review it and learn more each time.
    Thank You

  10. Gretchen Proctor OTR/L CHT

    Great information. Very well presented. I think that with a Joint Mob course, I need to have more hands on experience and hands on feedback. The information is great to have though, and I feel I got a lot from the course.

  11. Kerstin Waltz OTR/L

    The course material is very helpful and thorough. I like it very much. I can practice whenever I want to. It is also very helpful in teaching students and coworkers.

  12. Kenny D. Maynes

    Maybe more advanced then I expected. Work outpt and SNF. Looking for course’s for contracture management/ROM etc dealing with, elbows, hands(in general,not going through ever single finger), wrist, shoulder.

  13. Shannon OTR/L,CHT

    This is a great course. One of the better courses I’ve bought online. Mr. Allen demonstrates all UE mobilizations with commentary on body/hand positions that flows nicely. The question session at the end offers additional information regarding convex/concave rule, precautions and a couple of case studies.

  14. RSD/CRPS The Physicians and Therapists Approach to Comprehensive Evaluation and Management:

  15. Lora Weiss

    The course was informative and I used some of the treatment recommendations immediately in the clinic; for example, timing and documenting improved tolerance for the scrubbing activity and use of constant contact massage on both UE and LE with good benefit.

  16. Anonymous

    Good course but a little stilted at times. Good info.

  17. Anonymous

    Great class. Highly recommended

  18. Anonymous

    fantastic course

  19. Jerry

    Nice course and clinically relevant

  20. Edema Management: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow:

  21. Anonymous

    The lecturer in the second half was hard to follow and almost put me to sleep

  22. Kari Wiese

    Great class! I enjoyed it and took things from it to use in the clinic!

  23. Sheila Kamp

    Excellent course. Very thorough with lots of great tips and treatment techniques to implement in the clinic. Results have improved with patients since taking this course!

  24. Intrinsics: Unravel the Mystery:

  25. Julie Chilson

    I enjoyed the course very much, very informative. Easy to fololow.

  26. Cindy Hardgrove

    Excellent quality course!

  27. Cory Vatnsdal OTR/L

    The course was wonderful. I re-learned so much that I forgot over the years and a therapist sometimes needs to step back and break down the hand like this, much more than in daily practice. I revisited my roots in Occupational Therapy. Thank you.

  28. Mary Newell OTR/L,CHT

    The course althought short was very up to date and comprehensive

  29. Anonymous

    Really loved this. It’s such an interesting topic. I plan on going back and watching it again.

  30. Spanish: Easy Spanish For Rehabilitation Professionals:

  31. Anonymous

    this is a great course

  32. Anonymous

    This guy was good! He made it fun and interesting! Fantastic course!

  33. Anonymous

    Good basic knowledge in course

  34. Anonymous

    The course was excellent and very interactive

  35. Anonymous

    I could take this course again and not be bored and keep learning

  36. Arthroplasty of the Upper Extremity Bring on the New Joints:

  37. Linda Stanton

    I really enjoyed this course and the updates on the current types of arthroplasty options available. I have been performing hand therapy for 28 years, so it is great to see updates. You were very thorough and I enjoyed the style of presentation.

  38. Anonymous

    Wonderful course. I can’t wait to sign on for more of your courses.

  39. John Wirth COTA/L

    This was the ‘pick of the litter’, new information for me, . Good support material and I like the turnaround time for testing and certificate.

  40. Anonymous

    Very nice overview.

  41. Jody Wait

    So nice to be able to pause, rewind, or whatever while learning information. Nice to be able to learn on your own time. I appreciate all that you do for the hand therapy community.


  43. Marsha McCormac

    I loved it and use her suggestions several times per week.

  44. Burns: Stop, Drop and Rehab:

  45. Krista Mackenzie

    Burns: Stop,Drop, and Rehab was an excellent course. I have recommended it to my colleagues. It covers everything from the cellular level through treatment.

  46. Anonymous

    This course was very helpful and informative. It will be a good resource to have in my library. This was my first Live Conferences course and I will definitely be ordering more in the future. Thank you for offering these courses!!

  47. Anonymous

    Again, great for beginning to intermediate therapists! I was looking to return to work and needed to brush up on my skills. Perfect!

  48. Elizabeth Cooper

    Very informative. The visuals showing dressing applications and wound care very helpful. The techniques were applied in practice setting.

  49. LASER: Clinical Light and Laser Therapy: A Doctor’s Approach:

  50. Anonymous

    Great course

  51. Stiff Joints: Tips, Tricks and Trivia:

  52. Jonathan L Queen MS OTR/L CHT

    I enjoyed the DVD and learned several new techniques to attempt end range DIP flexion. I only disagree on one of the test questions regarding pushing up from a chair or couch with palm down. I do not believe it is possible to attain a stretch to the extrinsic flexors while you are contracting them to assit with pushing off of the chair. If you were resting in that position and stretching I then would agree. I will take future coarses from your products. Thank you, Jonathan

  53. Peggy Giblin COTA/L

    Really enjoyed the course and hope to take more in the future!

  54. Anonymous

    The tips were handy and easy to implement in the clinic. The splints were interesting too, although some of the pictures were difficult to see how the splints were made.

  55. Anonymous

    The course on Joint stiffness: tips,tricks and trivia was helpful. Provided good and useful information.

  56. Anonymous

    Well done. Clear and straight forward !

  57. OA: Tips, Tricks, and Trivia:

  58. Anonymous

    Great Review of OA treatment and patient home program ideas. Thorough and interesting. Thank you.

  59. Ergonomics: Tips, Tricks & Trivia:

  60. Anonymous

    good refresher course. very informative

  61. Wounds: Tips, Tricks & Trivia:

  62. Cathy Borst

    Very easy to navigate. I even had to call the company and they returned my call within the same day.

  63. All About the Thumb CMCJ Osteoarthritis:

  64. Anonymous

    Great tips, This book is used every day in our clinics

  65. Stroke: Pathophysiology – New Advances in Treatment:

  66. Anonymous

    Thanks for the suggestions – I learned a lot in this short course!

  67. Yoga: Creative Clinical Wisdom’s:

  68. Steve Rother Spokesman for “the group”

    Awesome work. These practical tools are needed more now than ever before. Keep up the great work!

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  • NBCOT® is a registered trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. and does not promote or endorse our specific courses, services or training.

Treatment2go is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD approval ID #3397. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at Up To CEU’s, intermediate, foundational Knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEU Does not imply endorsement of specific Course content, products, or clinical Procedures by AOTA.