X-Ray Vision for the Therapist:  I’ve Got You Under my Skin.

X-Ray Vision for the Therapist: I’ve Got You Under my Skin.

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AOTA: Domain of OT, OTP,
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NBCOT®:2.25 PDUs
STATE: CA 40-H39 1.75hrs
AL 20-171815 1.75hrs
FL 20-171815 1.75hrs

This interactive course is designed to teach you how to understand simple and complex x-rays of the upper extremity. After viewing this course the therapist will learn an array of x-ray views, terminology, and diagnosis. Knowledge of what lies beneath the skin on an x-ray, can help guide your treatment regime and enhance your clinical judgment. Over 100 x-rays are discussed in this detailed course.

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Live Web-based Program (opportunity to interact with the host)

Hand Therapy Certification

This course is accepted by the Hand Therapy Certification Commission towards re-certification.


 *University & multi-center Licensure available upon request; all courses single user only
* 2.25 NBCOT® PDUs
*Watch on your idevices, smart phones, tablets and MORE
Domain of OT, Occupational Therapy Process

This interactive mixed learning level movie course is designed to teach you how to understand simple and complex x-rays of the upper extremity. After viewing this course the therapist will learn an array of x-ray views, terminology, and diagnosis. Knowledge of what lies beneath the skin on an x-ray, can help guide your treatment regime and enhance your clinical judgment. Over 100 x-rays are discussed in this detailed course. Intermediate level learning. Online interactive movie course. Upon successful completion (80%) of an online examination participant will receive course completion certificate


    • Review the basic x-ray positions and some specialty positions
    • Describe closed, open, intra-articular, extra-articular, comminuted, segmental, oblique, transverse and spiral.
    • Review osteoarthritis and radiographic findings associated with it
    • Discuss angulation, displacement, shortening, and rotation
    • Review the VISI and DISI terminology
    • Review peri-lunate vs lunate dislocation
    • Review a variety of case studies about the hand
    • Discuss the formation of the carpal bones in a child
    • Discuss scaphoid fractures and various treatment approaches
    • Become familiar with the terminology of SLAC wrist
    • Review Essex-Lopresti lesions with radial head fractures
    • Review treatments for humeral fractures


    • Introduction
    • X-ray views
    • Termminology
    • OA
    • Distal radius
    • Lunate
    • Case Studies – Lots!

Susan Weiss, OTR/L, CHT received her degree in Occupational Therapy from University of Florida in 1990 and her certification in Hand Therapy in 1996. She is co-founder of Exploring Hand Therapy, Co. and co-authored “Hand Rehabilitation: A Quick Reference Guide and Review” third edition. She has co-authored multiple articles presented at various hand therapy meetings and has instructed at Hillsborough Community College’s OT Assistant Program. Ms. Weiss is an international educator and has won “best scientific paper” at several ASHT meetings as well as national awards at the annual ASHT meetings.

4 reviews for X-Ray Vision for the Therapist: I’ve Got You Under my Skin.

  1. Anonymous

    A really excellent course to review and learn basics of looking t and reading X-rays. Well organized.

  2. Anonymous

    excellent review and new information. claified some important questions i had and as always, presented in an easy- to- understand syle. good job. looking forward to your new topics…how about trying to make sense of CT’s and MRI’s…what’s next..i can’twait

  3. Karen S. Roesch M.S.

    good. It answered a lot of my questions.

  4. Fran Fleishman MS

    Fabulous, I’ve been wanting a course on xray interpretation.
    The information is organized well, and Susan speaks in a very knowledgeable but user-friendly way.
    To make it even better, I think the xrays should be larger. The zoom on my DVD player helps but often puts the image off center or completely out of the picture.
    You do great work,

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  • Participants have one year to access the CEU course and exam to obtain CEUs.
  • NBCOT® is a registered trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. and does not promote or endorse our specific courses, services or training.

Treatment2go is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD approval ID #3397. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at 0.175 CEU’s, intermediate, foundational Knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEU Does not imply endorsement of specific Course content, products, or clinical Procedures by AOTA.