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Vascular Supply to the Hand
- The ulnar artery enters Guyon's canal and continues as the superficial palmar arch, which gives off the common palmar digital arteries
- The radial artery proceeds dorsal and becomes the deep and superficial palmar arches
- In the palm, the superficial arterial arch and its branches lie superficial to the common palmar digital nerves
- In the fingers, the palmar digital nerves lie superficial to the palmar digital arteries
Peripheral Nerves of the Hand (3)
1. Median Nerve:
- Passes through carpal tunnel as the most volar structure
- Just distal to carpal tunnel it forms the recurrent branch of the median nerve (motor portion innervating the thenars) and the digital branches (common palmar digital nerves and proper digital nerves)
2. Ulnar Nerve:
- Enters through Guyon's canal
- Major motor nerve of the hand
- The deep branch is a motor nerve
3. Superficial Radial Nerve:
- Purely cutaneous
- Passes superficially to the anatomic snuff box and EPL

What structures run through the carpal tunnel?
Median nerve
Flexor pollicus longus
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor digitorum superficialis
10 structures in total...
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